
Welcome to the Keep Kind in Mind Blog! I created this blog, to help stop girl v. girl bullying. But instead of just focusing on the negative of bullying, I want to highlight the power of kindness surrounding this serious issue.

Submitting Stories

By sharing the stories, girls who have been in any sort of situation will be inspired too keep kind in mind, develop solutions, and changes for the better. If you would like to share your story, poem, picture, or any other mixed medium about kindness email me at keepkindinmind@gmail.com , it would mean so much to me and the girls waiting to be inspired!

Find me on twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/keepkindinmind

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bully vs. Victim

I've been thinking lately..... Being bullied, tormented, harassed or even assulted is unjust, and flat out wrong. But if you notice, the people who were the bullies back in school turn out to be lazy, fat, unemployed, UNHAPPY people. But, the people who were bullied, turned their lives into something specatular. They are now happy, married with families, have a good path ahead of them and they are KIND!
So why not just start off kind? Why not erase the cycle and make the world a KINDER place?

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