
Welcome to the Keep Kind in Mind Blog! I created this blog, to help stop girl v. girl bullying. But instead of just focusing on the negative of bullying, I want to highlight the power of kindness surrounding this serious issue.

Submitting Stories

By sharing the stories, girls who have been in any sort of situation will be inspired too keep kind in mind, develop solutions, and changes for the better. If you would like to share your story, poem, picture, or any other mixed medium about kindness email me at keepkindinmind@gmail.com , it would mean so much to me and the girls waiting to be inspired!

Find me on twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/keepkindinmind

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year Perpective

2012 is a new year, a fresh start. So ladies, lets wipe away the cobwebs, the past is the past, what's done is done. But one thing we can change is the outlook of the future. Through your eyes at the moment, things may look and feel awful, and they are. But this year, let us all look at the bully a little differently. Get a new perspective, take a step back. I am not saying become best friends with the gal, but maybe spend a minute wondering why they are so mean. Ever thought of that? Being bullied is one of the hardest situations one can be in. But look ahead, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel...

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